Well hello there

My name is Martin Bååth and I am a user experience designer: Striving to make the world around me a bit more enjoyable place to live in – one user test at a time ;)


Studied Art in Stockholm and M.sc Interaction & Design at Umeå University.


  • XD
  • Figma
  • Adobe Suite
  • C
  • Java
  • Phyton
  • Swift
  • Full stack
  • Asp.Net
  • And more!


Using design thinking as a method to help solve the needs of the growing population of elderly people in Botkyrka municipality. The project was done by 4 students, including me.


Working with multiple steps of design thinking using the double diamond process to thoroughly understand specific needs.


  • XD
  • Design Thinking
  • Illustrator


Botkyrka municipality

Case Study

Using design thinking


Background research was first conducted of the situation. The agenda was to simply observe and find out key stakeholders, including the elderly. We interviewed several people of different ages and situations who live in Botkyrka municipality, including a visit to an elderly dementia home.


An empathy map was a great tool to map the different processes and stakeholders involving our end users, the elderly, as well as a customer journey to find out their needs. We found that several people of all ages are first and second-generation immigrants that live in Botkyrka. There are also many active associations and volunteers active in the municipality.


The challange at this point still felt quite overwhelming and abstract, so we chose to make the situation a bit more tangeble (quite literally). We built small models with pen, paper, clay, and legos. This helped us to work with our hands and bring our minds to be as open as possible to the challenge. We ended up making a scenario of a local football match. Where both young and old could get together to watch the game. We believed that the solution was to bring the people of Botkyrka together - creating unity and inclusiveness.


The result of the development was an application that worked as a medium - connecting people in the municipality through activities. This would be introduced to the elderly by an introduction course, onboarding them to the concept and application. I was involved in all the steps above, as well as the making of the prototypes and event brochure.


Designing a new ui, or element, every day for 100 days. My own playground for trying out different styles and ideas, as well as getting familiar with Figma.


Exclusively using Figma and it’s plugins.




Self initiated.


Developing a working prototype of Orthoplay for Apple Watch. [Orthoplay] is an application for smartphones that control Teenage Engineering’s speaker [OD-11]


The agile method SCRUM was used throughout the project between four students. An API was developed in order to receive and send data from the watch to the Orthoplay app that was installed on the Iphone. Both low/high-fi prototypes were created and tested before being implemented.


  • Swift
  • XD
  • Illustrator

Teenage Engineering OD-11 speaker.

Physical volume control for the OD-11 speaker.

Bass/Trabble/Colorwheel/Airplay control menu on the AppleWatch.

Low-fi prototype of the UI, used for conducting User Tests in early stages of development.


Design and implemention of a social media platform for finding new friends. Post an activity or explore, swipe and match with likeminded people, make friends through activities.


The prototype was implemented as a full stack web application. A business model was made together with a competitor analysis, while keeping user integrity in mind. The UI was implemented after creating and testing low-fi prototypes on six participants. The website was hosted on Heroku with Node.js and MongoDb as database, including protected user profiles. React was used as a framework for frontend.


  • Mongodb/DOM
  • Node.js
  • React


Social media technology course - Umeå University

Home profile for a user.

Filter activities by interest.

Create an activity.


A game where the user receives points/gains by letting an avatar perform a fitness activity on screen. The points/gains lets the user buy resources like supplements and food in order to get stronger and thus be able to perform better. How much gains can you get? The sky is the limit….


Creating a full stack website using Asp.Net with a MongoDB database and regular HTML, CSS, JS as front end.

The database stores user profiles and their progress/score. DOM for communication between front and back end. The game itself is developed in JS and graphics made in Illustrator.


  • Asp.Net
  • MVC
  • DOM
  • MongoDB
  • Java
  • Illustrator


Web Technology for Engineers - Umeå University

Displaying the game in action - currently using a temporary boost for eatch additional click/repetition.


Design car decal with an additional print instruction placed on a car, Volvo V70


A brief research of the clients expectations, their audience and previous graphic profile. Later a brainstorming and a visual exploration was conducted. Three final concept refinements were shown to the client to choose from. Some refinement of the chosen design was then made before the final print instructions.



Three different concepts was presented to the client.

The chosen design and it's print instrcutions.